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Опции мультиязычности темы

Около 2 минКонфигI18nМультиязычностьКонфиг темы

Вы можете добавить следующие параметры к locales[localePath] в параметрах темы, чтобы настроить многоязычные параметры темы.

interface ThemeLocaleData {
   * Current lang code
  lang: string;

  outlookLocales: {
     * Theme Color
     * 主题色
    themeColor: string;

     * Theme mode
     * 夜间模式
    darkmode: string;

     * Fullscreen text
     * 全屏文字
    fullscreen: string;

  blogLocales: {
    /** 文章文字 */
    article: string;
    /** 文章列表文字 */
    articleList: string;
    /** 分类文字 */
    category: string;
    /** 标签文字 */
    tag: string;
    /** 时间轴文字 */
    timeline: string;
    /** 时间轴标题文字 */
    timelineTitle: string;
    /** 全部文字 */
    all: string;
    /** 个人介绍 */
    intro: string;
    /** 搜藏文字 */
    star: string;
    /** 幻灯片 */
    slides: string;
    /** 加密 */
    encrypt: string;

  paginationLocales: {
     * Previous page button label text
     * 上一页文字
    prev: string;

     * Next page button label text
     * 下一页文字
    next: string;

     * Navigation hint label text
     * 跳转提示文字
    navigate: string;

     * Navigation button label text
     * 跳转按钮文字
    action: string;

     * Error text when invalid page number, `$page` will be replaced by total page number automatically
     * 页码错误文字,其中 `$page` 会自动替换为当前的总页数
    errorText: string;

   * Encrypt
  encryptLocales: {
     * Encrypt title
    title: string;

    placeholder: string;

    remember: string;

     * Password error hint
    errorHint: string;

  navbarLocales: {
     * Navbar language selection config
     * Text of the language selection dropdown
    selectLangText: string;

     * Navbar language selection config
     * Aria label of of the language selection dropdown
    selectLangAriaLabel: string;

     * Navbar language selection config
     * Language name of current locale
     * Displayed inside the language selection dropdown
    langName: string;

   * Page locate config
  metaLocales: {
     * Author label text
     * 作者文字
    author: string;

     * Writing date label text
     * 写作日期文字
    date: string;

     * Label text marked as original
     * 标记原创的文字
    origin: string;

     * Page views label text
     * 访问量文字
    views: string;

     * Tag label text
     * 标签文字
    tag: string;

     * Category label text
     * 分类文字
    category: string;

     * Expect reading time label text
     * 期望阅读时间文字
    readingTime: string;

     * Words label Text
     * 文章字数
    words: string;

     * Table of contents
     * 此页内容
    toc: string;

     * Page nav - previous link
    prev: string;

     * Page nav - next link
    next: string;

     * Page meta - last updated config
     * The text to replace the default "Last Updated"
    lastUpdated: string;

     * Page meta - contributors config
     * The text to replace the default "Contributors"
    contributors: string;

     * Page meta - contributors config
     * The text to replace the default "Edit this page"
    editLink: string;

  routeLocales: {
     * Skip to main content
    skipToContent: string;

     * 404 page title
    notFoundTitle: string;

     * 404 page msgs
    notFoundMsg: string[];

     * Back to homepage
    home: string;

     * Back to last page
    back: string;

     * sr-only message in `<ExternalLinkIcon>`
    openInNewWindow: string;

Между тем, некоторые параметры i18n контролируются плагинами, в том числе: